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Reimagine. Revive. Remix.

Three Classic Effect Engines – Turbo-Charged

ufx series guis

Push the Boundaries of Reverb, Delay and Filter

Our UFX plug-ins combine a great-sounding core effect with two multi-effects and a fun interface. Turbo-charge your effects arsenal and push the boundaries of conventional effects plug-ins.


Three Powerful
Creative Effects

Why get UFX REVERB, UFX DELAY and UFX FILTER as a bundle? Because you will never know which one you’ll use today,  and this way you have the choice and save big!

Trust Your Ears, Not Us

Check out these examples of UFX REVERB, UFX DELAY and UFX FILTER in action - a soundclip says more than a thousand words.

A professional effect engine at the heart

The reverb in UFX REVERB is a professional, state-of-the-art engine, as are delay and filter. All three effects come with 20 pre-configured modes to choose from and offer detailed tweaking options.

Integrated multi-effects for endless creativity

Forget fiddling with plug-in chains - the integrated Filter and Finisher sections of all UFXs allow you to create complex,
inspiring and creative effects in a single plug-in. More time for music!

To tweak or not to tweak

UFX plug-ins let you design amazing creative effects. But did you know that the intelligent Surprise feature can also do that for you? Vary or invent at the touch of a button! Some would call it AI…

UFX in Action!

Robin guides you through UFX DELAY, FILTER & REVERB,  showing how to transform, remix, and enhance your sound with ease.


Save Big with the Bundle

Our UFX plug-ins are super-reasonably priced, and with the bundle,  you can even save more…


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